On March 27th I will be involved in a group show at ADN galeria
Room 1: Paperless Marks: A. Benchamma, J. Galdón, F. Noguera, F. Plant, Qubo Gas, M. Quintana
Room 2: Federico Solmi
The Evil Empire
Opening: Thursday 27th of March 2008 at 7.30 p.m.
Closing: Saturday 3rd of May 2008
Hours: Tuesday to Friday, 10h-14h/16h-20h and Saturday, 11h-14h/17h-20h30
c/ Enric Granados, 49, bj, 08008 Barcelona ▪ T +34 93 451 00 64 – info@adngaleria.com
For further information and hi-res images, please contact: Susanna CorchiaRRPP – e-mail: info@adngaleria.com, T: +34 934510064

Paperless Marks
Abdelkader Benchamma, Jesús Galdón, Fleur Noguera, Frank Plant, Qubo Gas, Marc Quintana
Five artists and one group are meeting together to show new proposals connected with the expanded notion of drawing. During their artistic growth, each they has been developing productions related to drawing, painting, animation or illustration and has been facing several aspects of this technique. Two are the main vectors motivating this exhibition: on the one hand, all the works belong to drawing realm although without the use of paper; on the other hand, works disclose a consideration about landscape and staging, both natural and abstract, human or urban.
The same title of the show enhances this real conceptual and technical challenge: a stimulation toward the investigation of expressive and creative ways, typical of the fresh and open moment which contemporary art is enjoying.